
Support us by donating and get Donor/VIP level

First of all, thank all users who visit starsddl.me every day,
Times have changed as well as the way we see our favorite content, we always cover the costs of the site with advertising and VIP but publicity is no longer enough to keep Starsddl online. for this reason we need your support today more than ever.
We have opened low cost options for users who just want to donate to help. We will enable a progress bar, with the amount of donations necessary to complement the advertising, to be able to be online. I appreciate all the donations that allow us to continue working and be able to bring high-quality content to everyone. Admin

What is Donor/VIP TAG?

It is a system that allows only DONORS to have access to content without advertising and additional servers in the VIP section.

What would be the difference and benefits?

All content x265 that will be published on MEGA and other premium servers. You can also request and download large content that we do not usually publish.

This means there will no longer be ad-supported free downloads

The links and downloads by Mega, Uptobox, 1Fichier continue with normality, you should not worry starsddl.me will continue as always, the difference will be the option to be VIP.

How much is the subscription DONOR/VIP?

The price of the VIP Membership is 7$ 1 mount & 13$ 3 mounts. Or if you just want to donate you can donate choose the starsdono option

Why should I become a DONOR USER?

The choice is free, you are not obligated but by doing so you are supporting this website and my person to continue working constantly.

How do I become DONOR/VIP?

Access To the store, make the payment and you will receive an email with access data for this site (username: password), that will turn you into a subscriber, the activation of the VIP level is manual it can take up to 24 hours.